Rheinblick 741

Event Location Contact

A mix of warm natural colours and modern purple tones paired with a touch of industrial and container shipping charm. Celebrate in a pool without even noticing the pool. From the foyer you can venture a look into the sports pool or rather enjoy a direct view of the Rhine in Oberkassel/Heerdt from the terrace. Or for the brave ones, first jump off the 3m board and then end the evening on our event level. With us, this is possible!

  • Number of event rooms: 3
  • Number of persons in the largest room in row seating: 196
  • Distance to city center: 5.0 km
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2022-01-26-rheinblick-location-portraits-offenblende-jah-0010_1, © Copyright/Bädergesellschaft Düsseldorf GmbH

Ca­pa­cit­ies of the event rooms

Name of the roomSeating variationsDaylight
Theatre styleBanquet styleCocktail receptionParliament
Room "Rheinblick"20016080300100 yes
Seminar Room 1 (Ausblick 1)39255020 yes
Seminar Room 2 (Ausblick 2)61407525 no
Seminar Room 3 (Ausblick 3)100 yes
Foyer150150 no
Terrace300200 yes
Theatre styleBanquet styleCocktail receptionClassroom style

Loc­a­tion Fea­tures

  • Accessible
  • Free WIFI
  • Conference technology
  • Air conditioning
  • Car passable
  • Terrace
  • Parking spaces available
  • Total exhibition area: 303 m²

Types of Events

  • Congress
  • Congress with exhibition
  • Concerts/theatres
  • Sports event
  • Exhibition
  • Seminar/conference
  • Wedding/private event
  • Evening event

Ad­di­tion­al In­form­a­tion

> direct view of the indoor pool
> accessible from the Rhine promenade
> outdoor terrace

Loc­a­tion & Ac­cess­ib­il­ity

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Plan route
  • 7.0 km to Central station
  • 5.0 km to City center
  • 8.0 km to Congress Center Düsseldorf/Messe Düsseldorf